Si informa che per l'accesso alla rete sentieristica sono vietate le calzature aperte e/o con suola liscia, ossia non provviste di suola tipo “Vibram”. I trasgressori saranno puniti ai sensi del comma 2 dell’art. 30 della Legge 394/91 e
Remember, if you do not receive the email with the tickets, you can always retrieve them by logging into your account and going to the ORDERS section. From here it is always possible to retrieve your tickets
Eco Quality Label Card
Choisissez votre carte
Carte de randonnée
Carte de randonnée
Carte de randonnée Cinque Terre
la carte qui vous permet de profiter pleinement de tout ce que les Cinque Terre ont à offrir
the card that allows you to fully enjoy everything that the Cinque Terre offers. Plus a 900-meter path nestled in the rock of the cliff overlooking the sea that connects two gems of the Cinque Terre: Riomaggiore and Manarola
the card that allows you to make an unlimited number of trips by rail to fully enjoy the Cinque Terre. Plus a 900-meter path nestled in the rock of the cliff overlooking the sea that connects two gems of the Cinque Terre: Riomaggiore and Manarola